Brassow Woods Real Estate Report – June 2019

There are currently 0 homes for sale at Brassow Woods, an upscale Saline subdivision, and so far this year 1 has sold. In 2018, 1 home sold.
Home Sold in 2019:
- $575,000. 5838 Katz Farm Court, Saline. 3620 sq. ft., +1500 in finished lower level, 4 bedrooms and 4.1 baths.
Home Sold in 2018:
- $522,500. 5818 Katz Farm Court, Saline. 3556 sq. ft., +1700 in finished lower level, 5 bedrooms and 4.1 baths. Listed by The Bouma Group
The home sold in 2018 had an average price per square foot of $147.00. The home sold this year had an A$/SF of $159.00, up 8%. Home values continue to rise at Brassow Woods and have increased 29% since the low of $123.00 per square foot in 2007. For notification of new listings here or in any Saline Neighborhood, contact the real estate specialists with The Bouma Group at 734-761-3060 or today!